Saturday, May 19, 2007

Milestones: Two Months, "Ah-Ah, Ooh-Ooh"

It's hard to believe that Londyn Paige is now two months old! With so much to do each day, it's often hard to reflect on how much has happened since our little one arrived. Londyn has developed quite a little personality that is so sweet! She's so much more alert and interested in everything going on around her. All in all, she is a very HAPPY BABY! With out question, Londyn Paige is a "Morning Baby" as she awakens full of joy "cycling" her arms and legs while she coos, gurgles and smiles. She sleeps gobs during the day but is awake for longer periods of time throughout the day. She still sleeps through the night except to feed (since 2 weeks old). She plays on her tummy for short periods of time to help strengthen her for crawling. She has exceptional head control and is quite a squirmer while she's being held. She can be quite a little screamer when she wants to be fed or held! She loves to hold onto her blanket as she clinches it tightly in both hands, pulls it up to her mouth and chews. She has discovered the world of noise as she plays with her baby rattle noticing that she can make the noise all by herself. She has become aware of LOUD SOUNDS as she suddenly becomes startled, starts to cry, or becomes very silent with her eyes all-a-glow. Her ability to follow objects with her eyes has significantly improved immensely. She loves to watch her big sister, Alexis as she responds when she hears her voice and follows her every move. Mom and dad are truly touched by the love a second child brings. We can't imagine our lives without our precious, Londyn Paige.


April 26, 2007:
Holds Head Up, Coos ( "Ah-Ah, Ooh-Ooh"),
Responds By Smiling

May 02, 2007:
Rolls On Her Sides

May 15, 2007:
Tries To Pull/Lift Up

"The Doozer" A Groovy New Ride

Alexis has a "groovy" new ride. Again, her creative thought never ceases to AMAZE US. The other day she was running playfully about on her umbrella stroller as she professed to be taking her bunny on a car ride to the store in her Doozer!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tihs Frkeas Me Out

My husband, Craig asked me the other day if I authored all of the entries on our Blog. I didn't really know why he was asking this as I replied, "Yes, I draft all of the entries on our family blog site, why?" He then gave me some much needed kudos stating that I write pretty good, but he had noticed a few MISSPELLED WORDS! This Freaks Me Out! I have always had a hang-up about whether I'm using the correct punctuation (in the right places), word usage and whether I've msipleled wdors when I write. When a thought enters my mind, I immediately jot it down and post it to my blog site. As I'm composing, it seems that my fingers go a hundred miles an hour as my mind tries to keep in step with the pace. When my Magnum Opus is completed, I tediously scrutinize what I have just written for any recognizable errors. After proof reading a zillion times, I come to the conclusion that I have come across and touched up all of my errors and that my blog is all set to been viewed by fellow bloggers and friends. Now that my typos have been brought to my attention, I need to bring everyones attention to an email that I received from my friend Michele. This email has given me the inner strength I need to get over my complex about writing without any errors.

This is the email from Michele:

Acrcndiog to resecarh at Cimdrgabe Unierivsty, it deson't meattr what oderr the lertets in a word are, the only ionramptt thnig is that the frist and last lttrees are at the right palce. The rset can be a toatl mess and you can sitll raed it wutihot a pboelrm. This is becsuae we do not raed every letetr by itself but the wrod as a whloe. save me to do a revision

So there you have it. If you can decode the email above then you will be able to pardon any errors you may stumble upon in my writings. Although, I do my best to post without errors (there will be some) I will no longer be so disheartened about it.

Monday, May 14, 2007

A Little Girl's "BIG CATCH"

Sunday, May 13, 2007

I've Been A Great Mom This Year, My Family Says It's So!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Eyes Wide Shut

It has taken me two full days to recover from the other night. So, this is the post I should of posted yesterday, but I had to wait until today because my Eyes were "Wide Shut"; or that's how they felt at least. Two nights ago, it all started at 1:00 AM as I was sleeping downstairs on our futon couch. At the foot of the couch was a palate where Londyn was sound asleep. I was peacefully SLEEPING and enjoying every minute of my beauty rest knowing in a few hours Londyn would start stirring and sucking on her fists for her next feeding. Suddenly, I was awoken by rolling thunder and howling winds. This is when the nightmare began. Well it wasn't really a nightmare, just an interruption of the rest I so cherish with every breath. The storm that blew in is not what has distressed me so, it is what lies just beyond our living room out under the covered back porch. Her name is Blue! She is our 18 year old Blue Heel er. She is TERRIFIED of THUNDER STORMS. She can sense a storm coming EVEN before the winds start to pick up, the dark clouds roll in & the rain starts to pour. Her heart rate increases, she starts panting profusely and she paces back-n-forth. Not so bad huh? Just wait!!! Then the BARKING BEGINS and it DOES NOT END for three hours. Since I'm such a light sleeper, I was not able to fall back to sleep amidst all the adverse sounds. So I just laid there for about an hour trying to coax myself into falling back-to-sleep by trying to "Close My Eyes To" all the BARKING. I even got up several times to tell her to hush and gave her a few "soft" swats but she would not stop BARKING. I then made my way upstairs to wake Craig up thinking he could "YELL" at her and tell her to hush in his stern, deep, commanding voice; because she ALWAYS listens to him RIGHT? Well, I tried & tried & tried & tried to wake him up. Since opposites attract and being the sound sleeper he is once he hits the sac, he would not wake up! I then decided to try plan "B". So I scurried through the bedrooms drastically and frantically looking for the receiver to Londyn's baby monitor. Finally, I found it. Since Londyn was able to sleep during all the horrendous barking, I set up the baby monitor right next to her and I made my way upstairs to Alexis's bedroom to sleep in her bed (the bed she has not slept in in EVER). Finally, for one second, I thought I could get some sleep and wake up in a few hours when Londyn starts to stir. Nope, the nightmare did not end, it continued & continued & continued as I laid in bed listening to every bark (one right after the other) being broad casted over Londyn's baby monitor receiver. It continued for 3 hours until the storm passed; then Londyn began to stir. So I tiredly made my way down stairs to feed her. (I Was So Tired) I can remember several times nodding off and then with a jerk of my head telling myself to wake up. My eyes were so heavily burdened that even though I was awake My Eyes Were Wide Shut.