Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tihs Frkeas Me Out

My husband, Craig asked me the other day if I authored all of the entries on our Blog. I didn't really know why he was asking this as I replied, "Yes, I draft all of the entries on our family blog site, why?" He then gave me some much needed kudos stating that I write pretty good, but he had noticed a few MISSPELLED WORDS! This Freaks Me Out! I have always had a hang-up about whether I'm using the correct punctuation (in the right places), word usage and whether I've msipleled wdors when I write. When a thought enters my mind, I immediately jot it down and post it to my blog site. As I'm composing, it seems that my fingers go a hundred miles an hour as my mind tries to keep in step with the pace. When my Magnum Opus is completed, I tediously scrutinize what I have just written for any recognizable errors. After proof reading a zillion times, I come to the conclusion that I have come across and touched up all of my errors and that my blog is all set to been viewed by fellow bloggers and friends. Now that my typos have been brought to my attention, I need to bring everyones attention to an email that I received from my friend Michele. This email has given me the inner strength I need to get over my complex about writing without any errors.

This is the email from Michele:

Acrcndiog to resecarh at Cimdrgabe Unierivsty, it deson't meattr what oderr the lertets in a word are, the only ionramptt thnig is that the frist and last lttrees are at the right palce. The rset can be a toatl mess and you can sitll raed it wutihot a pboelrm. This is becsuae we do not raed every letetr by itself but the wrod as a whloe. save me to do a revision

So there you have it. If you can decode the email above then you will be able to pardon any errors you may stumble upon in my writings. Although, I do my best to post without errors (there will be some) I will no longer be so disheartened about it.

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