Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Landscaping 101
Indeed it's time to start a project that took us all of four years to complete. Thinking about doing it again and what a labor or love it is, is a bit overwhelming. Many of you know, that Craig is a self taught professional landscaper. Not that he is a professional landscaper, just a self taught Pro scaper (the man has a love for it and he is such a visionary, just saying) I personally had not realized the labor of love he undertook at our old house until the last couple of months before we sold and we constructed a flagstone patio together. It wasn't until then, that I realized what he had created for his family. Anyways, I plan to post as we he goes along with pics and all. Be patient, very patient, because this will likely be a 4 year endeavor.........
Friday, January 25, 2008
A New Boat.....
We are so spontaneous. After waking up at the crack of dawn yesterday about 10:45 a.m., Craig wanted to take us to The San Antonio Boat Show. We spent three long hours at the show scoping out all the new boat models and giving my husband an itch to buy a new one. (I prayed the entire time that the newness of his boat had not worn off) The three hours we spent there was indeed long enough for the girls to run/crawl around and cause Londyn to periodically go into one of those "I'm so tried" crying fits. Afterwards, we decided to go to the "Free" Boat Show at The Bass Pro Shop were we enjoyed dinner at the Islamorada Fish Co.; which I must say offers the best seafood in all of San Antonio. My sister Harmony also joined us there for an adventurous stroll through the store with the one and only Alexis Lynn! After an absolutely delicious dinner we shopped around a bit and then headed home and hit the sac at nearly 11 p.m. We did not awaken until 11 this a.m.! Clearly the day before had wiped us all out! Enjoy the pics that highlighted our adventurous day out with dad!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Alexis Lynn Arrives
If you plan to view the video, remember to go down to my music jukebox and pause the music.
I just couldn't wait until Sept 11 08 to post it!

Friday, January 18, 2008
New, Sassy & Whimsical Bloggie Design by ME!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Hey Christine......Check Out My Signature
If you happend to take a sneak peak at my site, please notice my new signature. If you want the code, it's all yours.