This blog brought to you by Me!
If you visit this site often, then I'm sure you have noticed that I have a sassy, whimsical new look! I was really getting tired of looking at my blah, unperonalized blog. I wanted to dress things up myself! So I relentlessly began to searched the internet, for what seemed like months, until I discovered everything I needed to know. I thought about every element I wanted my site to have including a personalized header, signature, coordinating paper, a perfectly matching color palate, music and much, much more. Now, I need to mentioned that my wonderful sister-in-law, Christine (love that girl) began blogging a couple of months ago, with my encouragement, and she too wanted to join in my quest for the perfect site. We began to share the information we had found with each other until we were equipped with everything we needed to become web designers ourselves. We both love the look of a scrapbooking page without all the mess. Now, I just love my new blog design!! It's exactly what I had envisioned when I began journaling the lives of my girls in, "The Princess Diaries" almost a year ago. It is my passion to capture the lives of my family through stories and pictures. I love that my precious, Alexis Lynn & Londyn Paige will have a treasure of diary stories to read when they are grown. I also love the fact that I can change the look of my blog at anytime as they grow. I no longer feel the need of employing a web designer to give me the look I want (the last resort). I hope you enjoy visiting my site! If you have my site linked to your sidebar be sure to update the url address. Feel free to bookmark this site and leave me some love by leaving a comment to let me know what you think.


I love it! You did a wonderful job my friend! Yeah, now I can tell the world or at least the five people that visit my blog :)
This is a beautiful site. very gorgeous and perfect for your princesses. It is really nice to be able to create a page yourself.
It truley was made for two little princesses. I hope I can learn through you guys all the great stuff you can do to spruce up a blog. You all have got me invisioning things I would like to do, but I will have to go step by step little by little! Thanks for all you've shared w/ Christine who in turn has shared with me!
hi you may not know me im dianes son jesse and i was looking at the site and found yours to ideas of pages and i have a question how do you get that music to play please leave me a comment at in the general message bored
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