Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Would The Kids Notice?

As we were walking out the door to take Alexis to school, she (Alexis) frantically turned around and headed back into the house.  She had that look on her face.  I thought she had to use the lady's room before we left.  She dropped her bunny and backpack on the floor, where she stood, and quickly uttered, "I want to smell pretty."  She headed straight into her room and grabbed THIS.   oooooohhhhh.....how it sparkled!  Yummy too!  Did I mention STICKY?   As she tried to open the lid and squeeze it out onto both of her wrists, I immediately grabbed it and put a dab on her lips; to add a touch of glistening shine.  Then I told her, "follow me." I scurried through my purse and found Bath & Body Works, Breathe Delight fragrance roll-on in Uplifting Tamarind Nectar.  She quickly grabbed it from me (with a smile on her face) and applied it ALL up and down her wrist forearm. I then snatched it back and added a dab to the sides of her neck and a little on her chest.  She thought about smelling good the entire drive to school.  Shortly after arriving to school, she then began to intensely think about this wonderful smell and what the kids at her school might say and think. She then realized after getting use to the smell, she could no longer smell that she still smelled pretty. I told her that she did and that the kids would notice too.  The smile on her face said it ALL! 


Mommy's Little Blessings said...

That's so precious. I hope they noticed how pretty she smelled.

ENAACT Yearbook Class said...

What a little lady she is becoming.

Harmony said...

oh no...perfume...the next is makeup!!!harmony

Stephanie said...

love the new site! You did a great job...

Precious Blessings said...

How sweet. I have a little one just like her always wanting to be pretty and such. What sweet little blessings they are!:)

Stephanie said...

looks like you figured it all out!! I did mine myself. And no it wasn't too hard. I would like to put a picture in the header and change the fonts. But those things I am stumped on...

Google SJH Blog Design. They have great detailed instructions.