I've failed to keep up with Londyn's milestones over the past couple of months. It seems as though I always had more than enough time to post our first daughter, Alexis's, milestones in real time. We were also looking through family pics and I noticed I took so many more pictures of Alexis just doing mundane things. I have forgotten to do the same for Londyn. So, I found my ragged piece of paper that I jot Londyn's milestones down on and I will attempt to capture those memories now.......
Precious Milestones:
6-24-07 1st Train Ride
7-9-07 1st Sinus Infection
7-17-07 Alexis - Jesus As Lord & Savior (ooooops, it's just a habit to include big sister)
7-18-07 Says "Hmmmmm"
10-21-07 Pulls up & Sits By Herself
10-29-07 1st Swing At Park
10-29-07 - 11-02-07 Starts To Crawl
11-9-07 Claps Hands Together
11-12-07 (week of) - Kisses to dada
11-12-07 Gets Her Doc Band
11-18-07 1st Diaper Rash
11-22-07 Thanksgiving Day Says, "Mama"
11-23-07 Gives Kisses to Mama
12-17-07 1st Tooth Breaks Through (noticed it 3-4 days ago)
12-18-07 Tries To Put Socks On Her Feet
12-25-07 Stands For A Few Seconds By Herself
1-28-08 2nd Tooth
2-3-08 Loosing Baby Fat
4-15-08 1st Injury (Cuts Gash In Her Chin)
5-8-08 Says, "that" as she points
5-17-08 Says, "Uh Oh"
7-7-08 Says, "Owe"
7-8-08 Imitates barking like a dog, says" airplane"
7-9-08 Says, "I Want That" and points to the object
7-10-08 Says, "Apple"
7-17-08 Says, "Bo Bo" as she points to an oowie
08-17-08 Says, "Jesus" and "Love You" (Each night I tell her Jesus loves her and she just gazes up at me and listens. This day, I told her Jesus loves her and asked her if she could say it. She did! Then I sat her down and let her watch a Jesus animated DVD and showed her who he was)