After listening to all the hype on Fox News and various other (more liberal) news programs about "Going Green" and saving the earth, I've also decided to "Go Green!" We'll, kind of!! Did anyone get a chance to watch Oprah last week? I usually don't have time to watch televison, but one day last week I just happen to have time to watch. "Lo and Behold" it was a show about "Going Green". I almost turned the television off but something caught my attention and it was very interesting. Now, I don't feel as passionate about "Going Green" like all those crazy liberals do. You see, the earth has never meant to be saved. I believe in taking care of the earth by not littering (because God sees you), keeping the house clean, planting trees, using fluorescent light bulbs to reduce my electric bill 25-30%, recycling, etc. Anyways, the earth will be destroyed one day and then made new again when Jesus come back. So I'm really not that worried about global warming and trying to save the earth by "Going Green". Nor do I care about only using 2 square pieces of toilet paper, being a tree hugger, using my own eco bag to go grocery shopping, or purchasing power offsets. Now back to The Oprah Show..... The show highlighted a segment about a family who suffered from asthma and allergies. The family did some extensive research on the internet and found that many of our cleaning supplies contain chemicals that can cause us to get sick. They started using "All Natural Cleaners" and mysteriously their ailments disappeared. Craig and Alexis also suffer from allergies, so I decided to check out their WEBSITE. They generously offered Oprah viewers a 33% discount to try their products. The only item I thought would be worth trying was their Basic H2™ Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate. (This little 16 oz bottle creates an unbelievable 48 gallons of super-safe, really powerful, double-concentrated, all purpose cleaner. We challenge you to use it up any time soon to clean everything from spilled milk, to bug guts on the window, to splattered spaghetti sauce. Now go, get cleaning.) So there you have it, the 16 oz bottle will mix a whopping 48 gallons of cleaner and it only cost $10.15 (with the discount) so I also threw in The Get Clean Spray Bottles that are so cute; #2 for $4.50. I decided I didn't want to pay double to purchase their dishwashing and laundry products. I know I'll get plenty of use out of the cleaning concentrate since I'm always wiping all kinds of kid stuff off the countertops & coffee table that bear a resemblance to Bug Guts.
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