I asked Alexis if she would like to go (U-P), (U-P) as I spelled out the words instead of verbally saying it; so Londyn would not hear. I wanted to make sure Alexis was wanting to go upstairs to their playroom before I let Londyn in on it. If Alexis didn't want to go, I did not want Londyn to of already gotten it in her mind to start heading up the stairs as she loooooves that p-l-a-y-r-o-o-m. (U-P), (U-P) is what we say as we ascend up the stairs and (d-o-w-n), (d-o-w-n) is what we say when we descend. This is how I have taught both of my girls the meaning of the words (UP & DOWN). Alexis non·cha·lant-ly replied, "I want to go (E-Y-N-G-H)." She was honestly believing that she was spelling out what she had just said. I asked her, "What does that mean?" She said, "That means, I'm going outside!"

That's so cute, we used to do that with our kids too and then they started kindergarten/first grade and learned how to spell and then it didn't work so well anymore. Thanks for sharing:)
So cute!!!!! Have a great Saturday! Hope to see you soon :)
That is way too c-u-t-e!
that is C-O-O-L
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