Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I asked Alexis if she would like to go (U-P), (U-P) as I spelled out the words instead of verbally saying it; so Londyn would not hear. I wanted to make sure Alexis was wanting to go upstairs to their playroom before I let Londyn in on it. If Alexis didn't want to go, I did not want Londyn to of already gotten it in her mind to start heading up the stairs as she loooooves that p-l-a-y-r-o-o-m. (U-P), (U-P) is what we say as we ascend up the stairs and (d-o-w-n), (d-o-w-n) is what we say when we descend. This is how I have taught both of my girls the meaning of the words (UP & DOWN). Alexis non·cha·lant-ly replied, "I want to go (E-Y-N-G-H)." She was honestly believing that she was spelling out what she had just said. I asked her, "What does that mean?" She said, "That means, I'm going outside!"


Mommy's Little Blessings said...

That's so cute, we used to do that with our kids too and then they started kindergarten/first grade and learned how to spell and then it didn't work so well anymore. Thanks for sharing:)

Unknown said...

So cute!!!!! Have a great Saturday! Hope to see you soon :)

Precious Blessings said...

That is way too c-u-t-e!

Harmony said...

that is C-O-O-L
