Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Today was suppose to be rather uneventful other than Londyn and I were going to meet a friend for lunch. After dropping Alexis off at school (she loooooves her new school) I decided that Londyn and I would go to the park to play. She chased the squirrels and charged the birds instead. She finally discovered that she likes to slide on the slides and say "hi" to every stranger in the park. Another mom was there playing with her son and she stated that I looked very familiar. By the time we ended up leaving, I had made a new friend. Becky and her husband own the new U-Pick/We Pick Verticle Hydroponic Growing System here in town where you can go and pick your own Strawberries & Produce. I can't wait to go pick fresh produce and I can already taste the goodness over store bought any day. We connected instantly and I felt like I have known her for years. We plan on getting together to let our kids play; they are the same age. Later, after I picked Alexis up from school, we decided to stop in at one of the stores in Gruene. We had some time to kill and the girls and I were not ready to head home for the day to face homework. We went into an adorable store that was once called Lady Jane's.....I'm forgetting the new name for some reason now. They have beautiful home decor. Everything was my taste and matches the colors of my home perfectly. I took a few pieces home to see if they will work. Everything I had my eye on is 50% off. So, I think I'm going to have my dining room complete with these beautifully adorned dinner plates that add a splash of unexpected color to the room. The girls and I ended up strolling through the shops in Gruene and got caught up in buying $5 worth of fudge. We'll stay away from the fudge the next time we are in Gruene. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings our way!

Monday, September 29, 2008
Londyn's "Black" Molar
The other day, as I was cuddling with Londyn on the gliding rocking chair, with her big, beautiful, white front teeth in view, it prompted me to exam her mouth to see if any new teeth were trying to poke their way through. To my surprise she was breaking two, new top molars. To my astonishment, one of the molars was black inside. I immediately thought that her tooth was decaying because of the fact that I had not realized that her molars had already made their way through. Therefore, they had not been brushed. For how long had they not been brushed was my question??? So, I laid her down and began an intensive examination, all the while, she didn't make the task very easy. After examining the molar, I really thought it had begun to abscess under the gum and was starting to decay. I remember thinking to myself, why is she not in pain? I then began to brush her molar with a tooth brush and the black was not budging. I continued to brush hoping that she had just eaten something that dark and it was just stuck in her tooth. Then it came loose. What was it you ask? An ant. Yes, my daughter must of been eating ants. I'm glad she didn't get stung....or did she?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
An Amusing Experience
Londyn found it very amusing as she said her name for the first time yesterday. She would first, say her name and then giggle. She repeated this verbalization over and over again. Of course, you may of not been able to make out what she was saying, but her mama and big sister could. Alexis is the one who brought it to my attention that she was saying her name for the 1st time. Alexis was just as excited as`she. The joy Alexis had on her face for Londyn was like that of a mother's joy; just extended to her little sister.

Monday, September 22, 2008
16 Years Later
During my senior year of high school, although I can't remember exactly how we met, there was a new girl in class and she was tall & blonde!
Instantly we became friends. Our friendship lasted about a year and then she moved away to Mississippi; Natchez that is. We wrote each other a few times and then our lives faded and passed into the distance when I moved away and went to college; she the same. A few days ago, I did a facebook search and found her. I wasn't sure if it was her at first since her maiden name was followed my her married name. So, I sent her a message and received a message back after sixteen years with the subject line reading "Oh My Goodness"! I had often thought about her and often wondered what ever became of her and her life. We were like kindred spirits (just meaning we were close like sisters). She was a bit of a free spirit and we endured alot during our friendship. She looks exactly the same, as if time has just stood still. I do believe, that I probably look different to her than I did back then. I hope to visit her one day or at least keep up with her for the next 16+ years. This is my friend, Jenna! So glad we've connected again.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Scab Picker
I can't get over the fact that my girls are more different than alike. Londyn is my challenge child; always managing to keep me on my toes. She never gave me a problem when we switched her to a sippy cup, she's a sleeper, she engages herself while playing with toys or watching a favorite DVD and she loves to try on "our" shoes. All of these attributes Alexis never did! This leads me to the next attibute Alexis has N-E-V-E-R done. Londyn is our "Scab Picker". I don't just mean she picks at her scabs, she literally rips them off and then gouges out the inside of her wounds. Yesterday, as I was changing her diaper, she reached down and felt that large scab on the side of her leg and just ripped it off. It didn't even seem to phase her. I would of expected her to start crying as she took a peek to see what she had just done. Nope! She laid there as if she had not just torn her skin wide open; again! She left an exposed, open wound that was now bleeding profusely! So, being the great mom that I am, I cleaned her all up, slathered some antibiotic ointment on and covered it with a band-aid. This is exactly what I'm talking about. This again is something else Alexis has never done. Londyn then ripped that band-aid right off after I told her not to. That was a spank! I could not bring myslef to take a pic, it was just that nasty to look at.

Monday, September 15, 2008
Sept 11, 2008 (We'll Never Forget)
Alexis had a fun 6th B-Day this Sept 11. Of course, she had to go to school but she couldn't wait to get home to see what awaited her. The one thing she wanted the most was a new "big girl" bike. It was like Christmas on her special day. Mom, Dad & Londyn even surprised her at school during her lunch time. She wasn't expecting us, but was so excited when dad came too. She followed up her special day on Saturday for a fun filled day at Schlitterbahn with her dear friend Emily....and then again on Sunday when dad spoiled her again with another fun & wet day at Schlitterbahn.

Friday, September 12, 2008
A Boat Ride & Chicken Strips
I've been meaning to post this for a while now, but just haven't found the time. Alexis lost her 1st tooth on the way to gymnastics the other day. As we stopped in at Chicken Express to grab an iced tea, Alexis decided she was hungry as I was ordering. As she was eating the extremely tasty & crunchy chicken strips, see had forgotten about that loose tooth. After several bites, her tooth popped right on out! So, she has officially lost her 1st tooth. Initially, she did not realize she had lost her tooth! As she was chewing her food, she felt something hard and began to dig around in her mouth to retrieve what was swimming around in there. She was amazed when she pulled that tiny little tooth out! She was so excited and had to call daddy right away! A few weeks later, she then lost her 2nd tooth while we were on Canyon Lake in our boat just having a good 'ole time. This time oreo cookies helped to break that loose tooth out! I managed to get a pic just as my camera was alerting me that the battery was about to go dead!

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Let's Play
Alexis had her 1st soccer practice. She's excited about playing for the first time this year. She received all of her exciting gear including a cool, new soccer ball! She will practice each Thursday and play every Saturday. Mom was excited to meet all the extremely friendly & nice soccer moms. I'm getting use to being a soccer mom too! Here are a few pics to highlight practice. I still need to play a bit with my camera to figure out how to take more close-ups. Of course, Londyn was in the middle of all the action.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The Cheesiest Circus Ever!
New Braunfels was hosting the 2008 Alzafar Shrine Circus, so we decided to go and check it out with the girls. It was sooooo cheesy; expensive too. We paid $14 ea (Craig and I), Alexis had a free pass and Londyn was free. Cotton Candy $8, snow cone $5, (two pony rides) $5 ea, elephant ride $7, drinks $2 ea x 3, coloring book $3! By the time we walked out we had gone through $70. I don't' think we would of spent that much at the real circus! We were pleasantly disappointed. Alexis said she was bored and didn't have a good time. If this show comes to your town, I would recommend you skip it. Lastly, I must mention that many times throughout the show the performers were not on task and missed their mark. They were even falling during their stunts. I got really nervous when the 7 motorcyclists rode in sync in a giant steel Globe as they chase each other around at speeds up to 60 miles per hour. Thanks God, they did not miss their mark. The performers were from South America, so things were just different; music and all.

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