New Braunfels was hosting the 2008 Alzafar Shrine Circus, so we decided to go and check it out with the girls. It was sooooo cheesy; expensive too. We paid $14 ea (Craig and I), Alexis had a free pass and Londyn was free. Cotton Candy $8, snow cone $5, (two pony rides) $5 ea, elephant ride $7, drinks $2 ea x 3, coloring book $3! By the time we walked out we had gone through $70. I don't' think we would of spent that much at the real circus! We were pleasantly disappointed. Alexis said she was bored and didn't have a good time. If this show comes to your town, I would recommend you skip it. Lastly, I must mention that many times throughout the show the performers were not on task and missed their mark. They were even falling during their stunts. I got really nervous when the 7 motorcyclists rode in sync in a giant steel Globe as they chase each other around at speeds up to 60 miles per hour. Thanks God, they did not miss their mark. The performers were from South America, so things were just different; music and all.

A little odd huh?
I'm sure though that the GIRLS had a BLAST!!
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