I can't get over the fact that my girls are more different than alike. Londyn is my challenge child; always managing to keep me on my toes. She never gave me a problem when we switched her to a sippy cup, she's a sleeper, she engages herself while playing with toys or watching a favorite DVD and she loves to try on "our" shoes. All of these attributes Alexis never did! This leads me to the next attibute Alexis has N-E-V-E-R done. Londyn is our "Scab Picker". I don't just mean she picks at her scabs, she literally rips them off and then gouges out the inside of her wounds. Yesterday, as I was changing her diaper, she reached down and felt that large scab on the side of her leg and just ripped it off. It didn't even seem to phase her. I would of expected her to start crying as she took a peek to see what she had just done. Nope! She laid there as if she had not just torn her skin wide open; again! She left an exposed, open wound that was now bleeding profusely! So, being the great mom that I am, I cleaned her all up, slathered some antibiotic ointment on and covered it with a band-aid. This is exactly what I'm talking about. This again is something else Alexis has never done. Londyn then ripped that band-aid right off after I told her not to. That was a spank! I could not bring myslef to take a pic, it was just that nasty to look at.

I have no idea what to say about this little girl of yours.
She sure is something else----
Miss Adventurous, Outgoing, Extrovert, Brave, Risky and Courageous !!!!!!
ooooooowww.......cant believe that didn't hurt.
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