Her name is Kristen. I received a call from her yesterday inquiring about my Craigs List posting for Chester Drawers and two, matching Night Stands. Kristen just had a baby who was born premature and is now being hospitalized at the Children's Hospital Downtown Austin. She asked if if would be possible for her to come by last night to look at the furniture; after she visited her baby in the hospital for the night. I told her that she could or that I would be available tomorrow if that was more convenient. She was so concerned that I would sell the furniture items before she could come see them. I told her another lady was interested but that she had to reschedule another time to come look at the furniture. I told Kristen I would not sell it to someone else until she had the chance to check the furniture out. She agreed and advised me that her mom would come look at the furniture instead so that she could stay with her baby. I was expecting her moms arrival about 9:30 pm. 10 pm arrived and no one had showed. I called to make sure they were still coming. She was on her way and was about 10 minutes away. Her mom then arrived. I immediately felt safe after she proceeded from her vehicle because you could tell she was a harmless MOM! I invited her in to look at the furniture and she immediately began to strike up a conversation. She reminded me of my "Aunt Collette". She had a bubbly personality. Soon after her arrival, her son arrived with his new girlfriend (they were meeting MOM for the 1st time, at my house) and he was going to be loading up the furniture. We'll have to see if she turns out to be right girl for him simply because of the circumstances. What circumstances? Well, you see, they decided they wanted the furniture and began to load it up into their vehicles. Upon the sons arrival back into my house to retrieve the end tables, I asked him what his name was. "I'm Greg Gillespie", he replied. I then asked him if he was related to the Gillespies in Leming, Texas. (NO ONE KNOWS WHERE LEMING, TEXAS IS????) It's the little town I grew up in. But, I usually say I'm from Pleasanton because most people have usually heard of that town. He said, "Yes", then he began to list the names of ALL of his uncles......Sammy, Roger, Loni, Tommy.....etc. I then proceeded to tell him I knew all of them and that I grew up with all of the Gillespie kids and even baby sat some of the Gillespie children including Ashley & Shaunette. I even played with Greg as a child. His mom entered the room from loading the furniture and Greg told his mom, "you're not going to believe that she knows us." His mom just looked at me and asked what my name was. She gasped in amazement and said, "I know your mom, she had long hair." She proceeded to tell me that she remembered me as a little girl with long hair. She could remember all of us children playing together at Gillespie Get Togethers, Weddings, Gatherings etc. We then began to talk about her premature granddaughter and how she was named after Grandma Gillespie who's name was Grace. The baby's name is Madison Grace. Madison Grace was named after the lady I once knew as "Ma Ma". As a little girl, I used to play at Ma Ma's house, sat on her lap, played in her house, and RAN all over their property. Oh, the memories began to overwhelm me. We even talked about the two "old ladies" who were sisters that lived across the highway Pauline & ?????. We shared a party line with the two sisters growing up. She said she could remember the old ladies talking on the phone, hearing the Cooper kids listening in. They would yell over the telephone line saying, "You Cooper Kids, hand up the phone." We talked about, Carrie & Mindy who are cousins of the Gillespies. I can remember these girls growing up and getting to go and visit them in San Antonio......THE BIG CITY. We just kept saying, "this is weird, I can't believe this, Wow!.... Before they left, I asked mom, "what is your name?". She said, "I'm M-A-R-C-I-A" (as she spelled it for me as I wrote it down) I laid my pencil down and said, "I KNOW YOU." I can remember my mom taking about you as a little girl. We gave each other a big hug. It's unexplainable how these things happen other than by the grace of God. I purchased Chester Drawers and two Nightstands over a year ago.....for a baby named Madison Grace. Madison Grace, thanks for bringing back so many childhood memories and for the remembrance of the wonderful lady you were named after many generations ago. I'm glad to of touched and to have known grandma Gillespie. Known as "Ma Ma" to me.

That was such a great story girl. How amazing was that. I could just picture the whole thing. that baby girl is going to love her new furniture and the great story that cam with it!!!!
What a wonderful story....really cool!!
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