Alexis came down with a low grade fever Monday night. Since then, she has held steady, for the past couple of days, with a fever that was still considered to be low grade. She woke up Wednesday morning complaining of a very sore throat and pain in her ears. She also complained about feeling dizzy. She said, "I want you to take me to the doctor right NOW!" That meant she was not feeling very well at all. We went to the doctor and after a swab of her nose and throat it was confirmed she must be suffering from a virus. The doctor sent us home with some antibiotics because of the fever she had for the past couple of days. Last night she had trouble sleeping because of a hacking cough & stuffy nose. I had trouble sleeping too. Close too 3 this a.m., Alexis started to shiver and said she was really cold. I took her temperature and it was close to 103 degrees. I took it again 15 minutes later and before my very eyes the temp had risen significantly higher. I then took the temp (on the other end) and it rose even higher to levels I had never experienced before. It hit 104.6 degrees. I started to freak out and immediately called the emergency room nurse who informed me to push liquids, administer Tylenol and undress her. After doing all of this, twenty minutes later I decided to take her temp again. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I got a ready of 105.8. I immediately called the oncall doctor who informed me to push liquids, put a cool rag on her head and to give her an additional 1/2 tsp of Ibuprofen. By this time it is 5 a.m. and Alexis and had not slept a wink. She was so tired. By 5:30 a.m. the fever broke and we both passed out. Of course, I had to wake up at 9 a.m. when Londyn awoke. I'm not as tired as I thought I was going to be. It's now close to 4 p.m. I'm looking forward to taking a nap when Londyn goes down for her second nap in a couple of hours. Alexis is feeling better and has finally creeped out of bed today. She is still holding at 103 degrees and the doctor and I are keeping a close eye on her.

poor little thing...
I pray that she feels better very, very soon...I'm sure Keith is missing her soo much!!
oh WOW. That is scary and no fun! I am glad she is feeling better.
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