This is the way I have dried our clothes for years; at least all of our delicate clothing. This helps to keep our clothes looking new and never worn. When Londyn gets all of Alexis's hand me downs, then they will still look and feel new! I even bought one of these hanging stands for my mom a few years ago; she too, air dries her delicate clothing.

This is my new "Close Drier!" My mom surprised me with it the other day. It's for those days when it's damp & cold and it's taking forever for the clothes to dry. It's for when we need to wash and dry something so we can wear it the next day. It's also for warming up, soft, snugly towels when we take a bath; the real reason why I'm glad I have a new clothes dryer. Thanks mom! (That's really the name of my new dryer, Close Drier)

this is AWESOME...
looks like you got the coolest and newest thing out there...
Hey that is pretty nifty,I have never seen one like it. I usually just throw my stuff over the bar above my washing machine and dryer.
I could see myself wanting one of those some day.
Just tryin'
Okay I will try this again. Amber do you remember when I had to hang the diapers to dry everywhere around the house? I hung those suckers from every hangie-down thing I could find. The cloths stretched from the diningroom, to the livingroom, down the hallway, into my bedroom and the masterbath. It was in the coldest part of Winter and I had the ceiling fans on, going full blast!!!! It was a sight to behold to say the least. I prayed no one would stop by for a visit. I think I must have been the first original Desperate Housewife!!!!
That looks cool. I know you will use a lot. Isn't it great when someone blesses you like that.
So i know i haven't been a good contact lately hopefully this will help. I like how your floors look they look really nice, love the dryer. So i have a blog now it is thebeautifulones6.blogspot.com please come check it out. i hope to hear from you soon. How is the family. Love ya
Hey girlie!
How are you? I love the drier..Please check out my site. Luv ya
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