As I finished student teaching in the spring of '98, I decided that my future children would not attend public school. Teaching seemed to be so different than I had remembered growing up as a little girl. It seemed to have become way too political! The children were being deprived of the education they so desperately needed. The passion to teach was gone for many; including myself. Deciding where Alexis is going to attend school in the fall has been a tough choice for us. My dream was for her to attend The Christian Academy. The more I researched and talked to friends about this school, we decided Alexis was not going to attend at least for the first couple of years. One huge factor was the fact that we already pay $4000 in taxes, so the elementary school down the street from us was already paid for. Tuition for The Christian Academy is $400 a month, so we would ultimately be paying at least $8000 for her to attend. We even considered the E.N.A.A.C.T. program offered at our church but, decided against it. EVERYONE that I have talked to has urged us to give the new elementary school down the road, Hoffman Lane Elementary a chance. The pros were that they have an outstanding Kinder program and the kids are testing higher than the children at the privates schools and the "home schooled" children. We don't want Alexis to be labeled as a home school-er or attend a school that seems to be isolated. Hoffman Lane Elementary recently held their Kinder Roundup to register upcoming kinder students. We were absolutely amazed at what the school has to offer. Alexis was so excited to see that many of her friends from Kids Kare were going to her new school. I even ran into a friend from high school, who just moved to the area, whom I haven't seen in sixteen years and one of my old neighbors from "The Pinnacle." I think we have made the right decision and NO ONE has given me a reason to think otherwise. We've heard positive and negative things alike about our other choices. We have only heard positive things about the one we chose. I plan to be very involved with Alexis at her new school. I will step in when I see fit to help her excel at her academics. As many of you know, I'm a stay-at-home mom by choice and a teacher by a piece of paper that certifies me as an early childhood educator. So I will be fulfilling two of my loves; both of which include the education of my children.

1 comment:
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