My mom called me the other night and told me that I would not believe what had happened, AGAIN! She said she was getting ready to leave for work and she heard something that sounded like a necklace had fallen off of her dresser and down onto the floor. Then she said, "guess what it was?" I had no clue! She then began to tell me she had been chased around her house AGAIN. The same thing happended many years before. When I was living at my parents house, right before I got married, my mom, sister and I were all sitting in the living room. All Of A Sudden, we saw a huge centipede in the living room and it started chasing us....................

We began frantically jumping on couches and chairs and scattering about. All the while, we were all screaming for our very lives. We know he wasn't
really chasing us; he was probably just trying to get the heck away from all of us crazies. It felt very real and scary all the same. We had ever seen such a large centipede before. I can remember wondering what it was that was so big and aweful looking. We finally managed to chase him out the front door and trap him under a cup until my dad got home. He informed us of how poisonous he is.

Today, Alexis and I were outside and in the very area where I was standing there he was. So, I ran to get my camera so that I could get a pic of him. I'm dedicating this post to my mom for the remembrance of when we were all chased by a centipede at her house. I still tell Craig to this day, that he was really chasing us. He just gets a kick out of "
US" really thinking he was.
Wow that thing is huge! Hey, I say if that thing came crawling towards me I would run, hop, skip, and jump in the opposite direction. I've been stung by one that was smaller then that and let me tell ya, it smarts! Be safe out there girl. And thanks for the information on the floors. You are always looking out for those around you. :)
One word, NASTY! I know what you mean by being "chased". When I worked at NBCA I opened the school every morning and one morning I opened, I was unarming the alarm when I turned around and saw a HUGE nasty thing coming right towards me very fast I might add, I started screaming and RAN back out the door and luckly, one of the male teachers was walking in as I was exiting so he then took care of it for me.
It still gives me goose bumps telling you about it. YUK!
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